Flavia Ceccarelli (@flaviarelli) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Flavia started as an illustrator in Italy a few years ago but later moved to the UK to join the video game industry. She also experienced owning an independent startup! The digital world gives her the chance to apply her skills and work to an interactive media which is something she always felt like doing. She gets inspired by traditional Japanese art, manga, and pop culture.

If you like “new things” she’s on a few platforms selling authentic signed digital art in the form of NFTs. I recently found out about this thing and am documenting to see where it leads. In the meantime if you know what it’s all about you need no explanation the links are below, but if you don’t know what an NFT is (NFT stands for non fungible token, but it’s too hard to explain it all here) you might wanna google it first before looking at Flavia’s links so you understand what the real deal is. It might very well be the next modern most common way of owning an artwork in the near future!

The first pic is an awesome illustration she printed a million times before finding out which materials work best for it (pics on her post). I loved reading that she did and she cared about, it’s a great feeling and shows how much the art is important to her. You might think people just illustrate and post on IG without thinking about a lot of stuff, but I’m happy to see Flavia doesn’t and takes her creations with the love they deserve. I’m sure after her research the final paper feels amazing and I’m also sure expert eyes will notice it wasn’t “random”. Good job!

The second image has a little special thing: she used what she called her “signature color scheme” and painted it black and yellow. Identifying with your art is important and it’s not easy sometimes, knowing she felt this piece “her own” also thanks to the palette brings me joy. It means there’s a reason if it looks so good, she put a bit of herself in there!

What do you think about Flavia? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Flavia deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @flaviarelli
YouTube: Flaviarelli
Website: flaviarelli.com
Rarible: Flaviarelli
Makersplace: Flaviarelli

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!