Joana Fraga (@joanacchi) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Joana is an illustrator based in Brasil, she mainly paints digitally and to me she’s the kind of artist that’s always trying to do something important, special and meaningful with her art. It’s not a written rule and obviously it’s just my opinion but I believe there’s not that many artworks on her profile that are there “just because”, they all seem to try to tell me something and inspire me to think about things.

I particularly like all the pieces that showcase a human face with a twist on the theme, there are many examples and all of those come with a different nature… some heads contain other things, some are looking like something else, some have unusual shapes and so on. In the end it’s our mind that’s capable of shaping and letting us experience the world around us, but who knows what’s in there? What are we made of? How do you represent the human mind?

The first pic is her art inspired by fashion artist Iris van Herpen (makes all sorts of fancy and cool things). The original pic is very similar to her work, but she took the “lines” theme and transformed it into an entire world. The heads are beautiful and passionate, and she added the silhouette in the foreground which is balancing on the line, giving a new strange dimension to the work which now has in it either a small body or some giant heads! I like how this looks, I like it a lot, it also sends me “maze” feelings which is super cool.

The broken head featuring the Kintsugi technique is absolutely gorgeous. Kintsugi is a Japanese way of fixing a broken object by highlighting the lines where it broke off, they basically “glue” it together using liquid gold and make it even more valuable and important than it was before. She posted this for new year and she likes to restart fresh, renovate, and put things back in place (and I would add, possibly making them even better than they were before!).

What do you think about Joana? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Joana deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @joanacchi

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!