Zelyphia (@zelyphia) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Zelyphia is a self taught artist based in France, she paints digitally and does a lot of female characters. Sometimes you’ll see her experiment with other subjects or incorporate them in the art which is always a pleasure to see. A passion of her is the one for the color purple: it’s hard to find an artwork missing the tone, it seems she can always find the perfect spot to at least throw that in, even if it’s a small detail.

Between all her creations I love how she can diversify the art so much while being pretty focused on female character’s portraits, I’ve experienced something similar when I was focusing a lot on watercolor landscapes and it’s hard to come up with something fresh every time, but she does it so well it’s admirable and important. The small showcase you’ll see here is just a very little example of it.

The first girl is so beautiful, she completed a dtiys mastrfully and I just love every bit of it, starting from the tone she nailed perfectly for the skin, to the pose, the jewelry and everything. Strangely enough I swear the purple flowers were there originally and she didn’t add them, which is both funny and fits perfectly with her, I bet it’s part of the good feelings she had while painting this piece that helped her to get it to such a good state. Fantastic!

The second pic is a photo study looking great, on the caption she shared her passion for backgrounds or paintings in general that aren’t too detailed and leave some space for imagination. I find this one in particular to be extremely appropriate for this kind of style since the night view of the city lights is always blurry on its own for real, and if the focus is the awesome woman in the front it kinda feels super natural to see the background less detailed, so I like the choice and I find the result really good.

What do you think about Zelyphia? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Zelyphia deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @zelyphia
Patreon: zelyphia
ArtStation: zelyphia

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!