Aalma do Luar (@aalmaluar) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Aalma do Luar (from Galician, A alma do luar – “The Moonlight Soul”) is a digital artist who focuses on character designs. She studies a lot the human body and all the poses and movements to be able to create wonderful artworks. One thing I noticed and I like a lot is the fact that she has her own OC, the original character you come up with and bring with you for all your artist’ journey, much like your best friend if you will. In this case we’re talking about Igdris, if you take a look at Aalma’s works and various profiles you’re surely going to meet her a few times. It’s almost like a creature who saw all the efforts, all the practice, all the improvements and keeps following the artist becoming stronger than a signature.

The first image shows none other than Igdris! Her special trait is surely coming from the moon, which inspired Aalma when she was creating the oc. I like the way she designed the character cause now she can use multiple mediums or styles to paint her and she’ll always be recognizable at first glance thanks to the glowing parts. On her Patreon page (link below) for example there’s a super nice chibi version of Igdris!

The second image is one of the studies Aalma shared, part of the challenge she took a while ago in which she committed for 7 months of hard work to improve her skills. This piece in particular reminds me of Mulan and hits me with those vibes of a warrior girl practicing the martial arts. A stunning body language for sure, it’s a simple drawing that incorporates a full movement if you think about it, so powerful!

What do you think about Aalma? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Aalma deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @aalmaluar
Patreon: Aalma do Luar
Twitter: @aalmaluar
Youtube: Aalmaluar
Gumroad: Aalma do Luar
ArtStation: Aalma Luar
Ko-Fi: Aalmaluar
Tumbrl: aalmaluar.tumblr.com

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!