Cecilia (@cecilia.doing.art) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Cecilia is a lettering artist from Sardinia, Italy! I’m happy to showcase a fellow Italian artist today, she’s actually a “long time followed of mine”. I’ve always been super attracted by lettering and in fact that’s what made me discover watercolors in the beginning, so to see such beautiful art when I scroll her feed is touching.

Her pieces always stand out for the use of colors, whether it’s through markers or brushes it seems like she’s always able to get a stunning mix of tones. She blends them together very well and the gradients are smooth and clean. When she adds a shade and some stars on top with little light reflections the words really feel alive, wonderful!

The first piece is at least as good as it is funny to me, the quote is ABS-olutely crazy! Talking about art tho have you seen those “gummy bears” kinda letters? They look like candies.. I want them. Every word and letter feels unique with the gradients always changing but that’s all in her ability because the colors are just the 4 you see on the sides. Beautiful work and a nice photo composition too!

The second image featuring the style I was talking about with shade and stars is so cool! I love the colors, I love the lipstick and I couldn’t agree with the words a bit more. The way she made lights and shadows on the lipstick is simple and effective, and on top of it the idea that the words’ background is actually being drawn by it is quite unique and very nice. Fantastic!

What do you think about Cecilia? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Cecilia deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @cecilia.doing.art

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!