Gavin O’Donnell (@gavinodonnellart) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Gavin is an Irish concept artist and matte painter. Even tho the majority of the posts on his IG feed are about landscapes (or environments in general) his profile is quite unique compared to all the other ones. The fact that he works as a 3D artist for some of his projects creating the scene using software like blender and painting it afterwards makes it so that not only the perspective and lighting are extremely good, but he can change the angle of the view as he pleases and take a shot from a new point without having to paint an entire new scene! Of course this comes with a price, cause building the 3D mini world up front is obviously more time consuming.

If you think you like this idea you can follow the links below at the end of this article to take a look at his YouTube channel or the stream cause he maintains them both and there are a lot of precious videos to watch (or you could be able to catch him live and interact!)

The first piece he named “L O S T” is one of those he built using blender first and painted over in photoshop later. It’s amazing, a bit scary, wild.. and if you want to see and know more on IG there are different views, sketches, studies and insider goodies. This artwork gives me the “King Kong” feeling and pushes me to think about this place, what’s hidden behind the gorillas and which creatures live in the jungle. Maybe new species are waiting for us there.. and they could be hungry.

The second scene with the bear is wonderful, I love the colors and the style he used to paint it. He found inspiration in a work of his from the past, using a painting from when he was 16 or 17 experimenting for the first times with a wacom tablet. 13 years later the transformation is crazy and his skills jumped a few steps I must say. I’d love to see such an improvement on myself to be honest, cause the result he shows us here today is more than great.

What do you think about Gavin? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Gavin deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @gavinodonnellart
Twitter: @godonnellart
YouTube: Gavin O’Donnell
RedBubble: Gavin O’Donnell
Twitch: gavinodonnellart

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!