Lena Kroshilina (@66hellena66) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Lena is a digital artist with a vast horizon of subjects in front of her. There’s people, there are animals, backgrounds and environments, tv shows, original characters.. and it’s all kept together by a couple of everyday moments sketched or painted here and there.

I always love to browse profiles and when there are references to my favorite movies or TV shows I get excited because I want to find more so I end up scrolling the whole thing down to see if there’s another one. If I liked it I might even go backwards to check if I missed any, and this happened with Lena! To add to that when I see there’s probably a reference pic, I feel it but I can’t quite catch it, I don’t recall where it comes from but it looks like a movie scene, that’s when I look for all the details I can to Google something and see if I can discover if it was indeed a reference artwork or an original piece. Both results feel good anyways, so it’s a win win situation.

The first image is beautiful let’s start with the title which I think she nailed. The eyed “O” really makes you dive into the subject, it’s like those logo designs that stick in your mind forever. The birds themselves tho, wow! I especially love the one on the bottom right corner, sweet and lovely, it makes me laugh a bit to me it really looks like a real “dumby” face that only owls can have, so cute!

The second image is obviously Beth! Have you seen “The Queen’s Gambit”? I liked the mini-series even tho I only know the basic moves of chess, I think it was cool. The scene is a crucial one and it’s one houndred percent recognizable so good job there. I love the effect she gave to the corners of the artwork here and the big green pills bouncing make it perfect!

What do you think about Lena? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Lena deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @66hellena66

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!