Lucy Zhang (@citruslucy) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Lucy is a Chinese-Australian background artist and illustrator posting lots of cute characters and magical environments. She works and worked for various productions (check her website! link below) changing style for her illustrations many times always mastering the art, so it’s a pleasure to be able to see her posts or to give a look at her portfolio online cause everything looks so diverse and beautiful at the same time.

I enjoy the simplicity she’s able to transfer to her art, many times I spend some time looking at her creations and what’s in the canvas and I often realize after all there are only little elements, but they’re perfect. It doesn’t have to be complex in order to look beautiful, she shows it so well.

The first image is sooo sweet! I love the clashing of styles where the mountains touch the sky, she found a wonderful way to merge them together and the feeling I get by looking at this is that I’m looking at a magical moment. The little girl catching the falling star is so cute, the hat makes me smile and I also love the “perfect” shape of the moon partially revealed, it balances out the composition so well.

The second image deserves a zoom in (click on the image to get a bigger version) so you can see the brush strokes and the realistic little empty spots they create. This one is just a third of the project cause on her IG you’ll find two more girls portraited in the same style. All three of them really bring up what I was saying earlier, you don’t need to overthink things, they’re simple figures and simply wonderful!

What do you think about Lucy? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Lucy deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @citruslucy
Tumbrl: citruslucy
Twitter: citruslucy

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!