Ludivine Marques-Verissimo (@miniludvin) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Ludivine is an illustrator, character designer, author (and actually much more!) based in France. On IG she does share a lot of characters and mini-stories about them illustrated, changing style pretty often between the posts and always getting cute results.

I really love when she designs those sweet little girls cause she’s really capable of getting a smile from me every time. I want to squeeze their cheeks as soon as I see them and when there are animals in the picture, or little monsters (let’s be real cause those are equally adorable), the final result is even better.

The first image is a printable A4 (you can find it on her Facebook page) where she illustrated all the good practices and to-dos during this pandemic using a beautiful cat to give the instructions. I find it so funny and useful at the same time… I suppose this has to be the best way to introduce the little ones to all the new rules they should follow. Super nice! English and French versions available.

It’s very hard for me to skip a good Sailor Moon illustration when I see one and this time was no exception I just couldn’t do it. I absolutely love all the small details she put in this one starting from the backpack and getting to the cat’s expression, passing by that little heart shaped pink nose it has. Soooo lovely!

What do you think about Ludivine? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Ludivine deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @miniludvin
Facebook: Mini Ludvin

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!