Sean Sevestre (@seansevestre) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Sean is a visual developer and art director from the UK. He works with films, games and more and his creations are simply amazing! I find him particularly good at working with colors, you’ll see why in a second and of course if you like it too the links on the bottom of the article are there for you to enjoy his art even more.

He had the pleasure (and the merit!) to work with Axis Studios in a collab with Riot Games to create the music video of “K/DA More”, a project and a song I like a lot! It’s crazy to see the images and think he was one of the guys making them, the video is spectacular and I can’t imagine how cool it was to try out things, give ideas, refine details and have such a good product in their hands in the end.

The first image is Akali in her dojo room, it’s probably one of the best scenes of the video. This one you’re seeing is the final keyframe he worked on. I love the atmosphere he built in here, the bike (you can only see a slice of a wheel here, but on IG there’s a wider pic!) and the color scheme of the whole scene with these bright neon lights and all the reflections they create. It’s a fantastic piece.

The second image is super new straight from international women’s day. He made a couple including his girlfriend and his mother too, all on IG if you swipe the first one. This black woman looks sooooo good. I’m impressed by the hair he made such a good job with the curly style. Part of it comes from the light and the change of color it has from the left to the middle, the transition from a warmer tone to a lighter one is beautiful.

What do you think about Sean? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Sean deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @seansevestre
Twitter: @seansevestre
ArtStation: Sean Sevestre
YouTube: Sean Sevestre
Facebook: Sean Sevestre

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!