Damian Lechoszest (@damianlechoszest) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Damian is an artist from Poland, he paints a lot of portraits using oil colors on canvas and to be fair the realistic look of his art is off the charts. On his IG feed you will find not only the finished pieces but also a lot of close up pics and short videos. The ones with the varnish layer applied are surely videos I enjoy a lot, it’s soooo satisfying to see a blurred out painting going back to crystal clear. It’s a bit like watching Damian take the “quality” of the painting and upgrade it to full HD.

To get to his level he mastered the use of his preferred medium, he has fantastic drawing skills, he can manage light in a perfect way and finally the choice of the model and the pose have to be very precise too. Notice the quality of the pictures taken, that’s again another area in which “excellent” is probably just a poor description for his everyday post, he routinely does better than that.

“Hope” is the first painting, a wonderful piece in which the lady “holding the light” is just amazing. Look at the colors used on the hands, there is some fantastic work down there. I find it cool that the background is dim and foggy, it helps set up the scene mentally and improves the value of the girl and her gift by quite a lot. Taking the pic with the model and using a light from below was the cherry on the cake, I love this compostion.

“Winter Twilight” is the title for the second one, a favorite of mine (and of his too, if I’m not mistaken!). He went with an older man this time around and I can see time in the facial expression and in the hands, he took that and made it a strength. It’s a painting that holds the meaning of life. Once again light is superb, I like all the little nouances it creates over the nose and the cheeks. It’s beautiful.

What do you think about Damian? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Damian deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @damianlechoszest
Website: damianlechoszest.com

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!