Juanbjuan Oliver (@juanbjuan_oliver) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Juanbjuan is an illustrator and concept artist with great experience in the world of children’s book illustrations, he published in many countries and in many languages. I love all the furry little friends that he draws and the characters who always bring joy with them. His style is very colorful and he plays a lot with facial expressions, which I think is a great trait if your goal is to create beautiful images that will stick into kid’s minds.

The majority of his artworks cover all the canvas with figures, subjects and details embracing the space and sometimes he posts zoomed in versions of his illustrations that will create on IG a “full painting” if you can see 4 of them together in a square. I found that very nice, especially when there’s a lot to unpack in each of the images.

The first image is the Fox house, and if this isn’t the cutest place to live in the forest I don’t know what is. I love the fact that the whole building is carefully designed for the foxes, starting from the windows and getting up to the .. stairs which you can only access if you exit from the window? Wow that idea looks great! I also like all the animals a lot, and I probably recognize myself in the one in the middle.. yes, the one staring at the sky doing nothing! Ok ok no maybe I could be the one reading a book.. fine.

Second pic is a Lord of the Rings piece of art featuring the hobbits, of course! They’re really funny I think I’d love to read the book again if it could be frequently matched with this kind of beautiful art. The tree looks amazing and its shape is almost mesmerizing, paired with the water flowing they create a nice “moving” atmosphere!

What do you think about Juanbjuan? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Juanbjuan deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @juanbjuan_oliver
Facebook: Juanbjuan illustration
Website: juanbjuanchildrenillustration.blogspot.com

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!